Human Development Center

Human Development Center

Logo: Human Development Center: Building Capacity, Inspiring Change

About the Human Development Center

What is the Human Development Center (HDC)?

The Mission of the Human Development Center (HDC) is to provide leadership and innovation in interdisciplinary education, community service, research, and to disseminate information to strengthen and increase the capacity of local communities to support and include individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in all aspects of life in the community.

The Human Development Center (HDC) was established in 1974 and became a University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDD) in 1984.

Graduate cap in the middle of Parthenon-like structure
HDC is a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) .
Silhouette of Louisiana
There are UCEDDs in every state. HDC is Louisiana's UCEDD.
Three people standing in front of world with heart above their heads
UCEDDs work with people with disabilities, their family members, service providers, the community, and the government.
Person pointing at projection screen
HDC offers trainings, provides expert information, and does research. HDC shares information to help people with disabilities to live and fully participate in the community.
Location marker
HDC is located at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. HDC services are state-wide.
AUCD logo: Letters A U C D to the right of globe
HDC is a part of the AUCD Network. The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is made up of university centers across the United States.

Whom does HDC help?

Man in wheelchair holding hands with woman standing up

Individuals with disabilities

Some HDC projects connect individuals with disabilities to resources and services that help them grow and be a part of the community.

Click here to see HDC resources that help individuals with disabilities

Woman and man on opposite sides holding hands of child in wheelchair


Some HDC projects help families of individuals with disabilities. HDC offers families referrals to agencies and support advocating for their child.

Click here to see HDC resources that help families

Girl watches woman write on paper with books on the side


Some HDC projects help teachers and school administrators support students with disabilities.Some HDC projects teach college students how to better serve clients with disabilities in their future careers.Some HDC projects teach college students how to better serve clients with disabilities in their future careers.

Click here to see HDC resources that help educators

Person in graduate cap holding up tied piece of paper

Graduate Students

Some HDC projects teach college students how to better serve clients with disabilities in their future careers.

Click here to see HDC resources that help graduate students

Healthcare professional holding syringe

Healthcare and Employment Professionals

Some HDC projects help healthcare and employment professionals better serve clients with disabilities and their families.

Click here to see HDC resources that help healthcare and employment professionals

How does HDC help?

HDC helps our disability community through 5 areas:

ABC blocks

Early Childhood

Some HDC projects help families and teachers of young children. These children can be 0 to 5 years old.



Some HDC projects support students with disabilities and teachers from kindergarten to high school and education after high school.

Person walking upstairs with briefcase

Transition, Employment, Careers

Some HDC projects help young adults with disabilities get jobs and explore career paths. HDC projects help train and support employment support professionals. Some HDC projects also help people understand how their social security benefits are affected by employment.

Four hands folding around each other forming square

Interdisciplinary Training

Some HDC projects train people from different backgrounds to work together to better serve people with disabilities and their families.

Hands holding up heart with cross sign on it

Health and Wellness

Some HDC projects help communities stay physically and mentally healthy.